a brick wall with graffiti written on it

Many women are confused about why do guys like anal. Some believe that it is a way to debase them, while others think that it is a way for men to explore their bodies. Anal sex is not as taboo as it was 25 years ago, but it’s still somewhat…

magnifying glass on white table

When you have skin growths around the anus, it may be a sign of an underlying condition. A gastroenterologist can examine these growths with a flexible sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy. Your doctor can also give you tips for preventing anal skin tags. These include taking a laxative to make your stool…

black, body, boobs

Many women wonder what it takes to have perky boobs. There are some non-surgical methods to slow down breast sagging but they cannot reverse the process entirely. Whether from weight loss, pregnancy or breastfeeding, it is normal for our breasts to sag. This sagging is called ptosis and can be…

Drunk women relaxing among New Year decorations

Todd, a finance guy from the Midwest, has been getting down with his ladylike ladyfriend for a few years. He and Miss Ladylike like anal sex. But is it safe? Anal sex can cause infections, especially without lubrication. That’s why it’s so important to practice good anal hygiene. Always use…

woman laying on bed

Despite the bad reputation it has, anal can feel ah-mazing for women. It can stimulate the G-spot, which is packed with nerve endings and directly connected to the genitals, and it also helps boost orgasms. The key to anal pleasure is lubrication and communication between partners. Use plenty of anal…

Male and Female Signage on Wall

Gender inequality in the erotic marketplace is an important issue that needs to be addressed. This can be done by creating consciousness-raising campaigns and providing access to resources for sex workers. The erotic marketplace involves the buying, selling, and trading of sexual products and services. It is an industry that…

woman in white vest and black bikini with hand on chest

Pimples on the breast and nipple are normal and don’t pose any serious health risk. They can show up as whiteheads, blackheads, papules and cysts. The causes of breast acne are similar to those of other acne-prone areas like the face, and include hormonal fluctuations, excessive sweating and clogged hair…

Silhouette of 2 Person Standing in Front of White and Black Stripe Wall

Hypnosis, especially erotic hypnosis, isn’t about mind control. It’s about lowering your inhibitions and exploring desires that you might not be able to express under normal consciousness. Erotic hypnosis can include commands like “hands-free orgasms on command” or can involve more fantastical elements like being a fembot from another planet.…

Ethnic woman with bright hair putting on choker

Sexual asphyxiation is a type of breath play that involves suffocating a partner. It’s a dangerous activity that can cause major health problems, including death. People like to engage in breath play for a variety of reasons. Some enjoy the arousal it creates by cutting off oxygen to the brain,…

a person in a hospital gown operating a machine

Most men have spent some time surreptitiously regarding cleavage, whether it’s from across the 10th-grade English classroom or behind a magazine. However, it can be difficult to know if a woman’s breasts are real or fake. One dead giveaway is if her boobs are set too high on her chest.…

Person Holding World Globe Facing Mountain

A new study has found that American women have the biggest natural boobs in the world. The researchers analyzed the average breast volume and cup size of 108 countries using EU bra sizing to come up with their findings. They excluded women who had implants or were pregnant or breastfeeding.…

black heart shaped wall decor

Anal sex is sexual activity where a penis or a sex toy enters the anus. It can be enjoyable and safe, but there are some risks to consider. It is important to use lubrication, especially since the anus doesn’t have the cells that create natural lubrication like the vagina has.…

white ceramic figurine on purple surface

If you want to produce more precum, there are many things you can do. This article will cover everything from food to exercise to lifestyle habits. So, let’s get started! A lot of men want to be able to cum more, and it’s not always a bad thing. However, there’s…

woman in black tank top

One of the most important things to remember when taking erotic photos is that you should be yourself. It is also a good idea to use props and light to your advantage. Remember, sexy doesn’t have to mean nude. A tee and cotton knickers can be just as hot as…